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Estate Planning Blog

Category Topic: Trust Administration

Trust and estate administration refers to the management and distribution of assets and properties held in a trust or estate after the death of the owner. This process involves ensuring that the assets are distributed to the intended beneficiaries according to the wishes of the deceased, while also complying with legal and tax requirements. Trust and estate administration may include tasks such as filing legal documents, managing and distributing assets, resolving disputes among beneficiaries, ensuring compliance with tax and legal requirements, and providing guidance and advice to trustees or executors. Trust and estate administration is typically overseen by a lawyer, financial advisor, or other professional with expertise in this area. The goal of trust and estate administration is to ensure that the assets are distributed in an orderly and fair manner while minimizing costs and maximizing the value of the estate for the beneficiaries.

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January 30, 2024
What Is a Subtrust? Additional Benefits Subtrusts Provide

A subtrust is a separate entity created under the umbrella of a primary trust or a will. A subtrust becomes active based on the terms of the trust or will when certain events happen, such as the death of the primary grantor, or creator. Subtrusts are one tool that estate planning attorneys use to help families pass on inheritances and protect their heirs from creditors or issues such as lawsuits or divorce. Subtrusts serve various purposes depending on…

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